Friday, October 16, 2009

The next step

is to inject my DNA into the designs I create.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Beginning Alias: 4th Week

Just being lazy. I always wanted to do swarovski something.

Beginning Alias: 3rd Week

Some wheel design exercise. I really needed to get BBS webs to get out of my head, so there. I think I'm keeping the architecture inspired wheel for later projects.

Beginning Alias: 1st Week

First Week of Digital 3D Modeling. We have Nik Stefanov as instructor. Cool guy, cool class. Alias Autodesk is definitely a beatdown to learn from scratch. But rendering it with HyperShot was really fast. Maybe I should post some sketches preluding these models.

Viscom IV: 4th Week

Muscle Week. The rebel wins.

Viscom IV: 3rd week

This time I was able to control the lighting a little bit. Design-wise it is a little too simple. I think I went too happy with those black chalk, my overall rendering quality came too dark. But thank god for photoshop right.
I also received a warning to never ever do a warped extreme perspective again...

Viscom IV: 2nd week

Again, speedform inspired vehicles. I added drop shadow, panel cuts, and quick glass/interior indication to add "believability" to them. The lighting needed to be more focused into a "featured" area of design. Maybe next time.

These are work examples from my first week in Viscom 4. Speedform inspired vehicles. The crit were great, I was immediately aware of my shortcomings... seems that I did these too fast.

3.5 Term Update.

why am I following my own blog? I'm updating works from Visual Communication 4 and Alias soon.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

End of Term 3

With the end of Term 3, I posted my canson sketches from R. Pietruska's class. The skyscraper environment backdrop was the class' final. The class dubbed it "Giant Sombrero with Planet Mexico Looming Over". Richard tried to be nice in terms of grading, but I don't think I deserve it. All throughout the term, I've given less than 50% effort due to many excuses, and if anything, I learned more about what NOT to do in his class...Term 3 was a bit tough, but only because I was too damn distracted with so much bs. No more of that next time. Peace out!

Marker Techniques viscom 3

Some marker techniques from viscom 3 with Richard Pietruska. This class is your bread and butter rendering course.

Cutaway Sketch

These are one of the sketches I "recycled" between Interior and Exterior 3 classes. Ricky liked it, but not Mike, because they're not exactly a view from the inside. I personally loved it, the marker work wasn't much, but it shows the driver's space well.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trying to post pictures... for the lack of readily available sketches, I'm posting the clay speedform I did from Spring '09. Picture is taken by the Sinclair pavilion at ACCD.
I'm quite happy with the result, which is rare. Some classes in the first two terms were such turn-offs.
I might have been the only one painting the sculpture black...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Finally blogging.
Hopefully this will serve its intended purpose, which is to help me "commit" into my works a little more. I guess from now on I can't be too shy to show my true colors...(pun intended but I don't think it works).